Sunday, November 30, 2008

Spoiled children rant

I just read an article on yahoo news about how parents are writing letters to toy manufacturers to stop advertising to their children. It said that parents are giving up everything in order to give their children the toys that they ask for. One woman is even going to prostitute herself to give her children what they want. Since when is the gift giving of Christmas mandatory? Since when do children automatically get everything that they want? At the very bottom of the article it mentions that this is the perfect time to teach your child that they can't always get what they want and how to negotiate in a world full of advertising. I bet most readers have stopped reading by that point in the article.
How selfish for current parents. Instead of teaching their children restraint, they are teaching them to get everything they want. That is why my generation is so bogged down with credit card debt. That is why the mortgage industry has tanked. That is why parents are calling their grown children's teachers and bosses to hash things out. Let the child learn! Teach them to say no to purchasing the new shoes. Teach them to live in the smaller house. Teach them that they will never have everything the Joneses have so just deal with it.

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