Sunday, November 16, 2008

I have the joy of being a mom. This is a very expensive occupation so I needed to get a job that allowed me to be home while my husband works and have some sleep on the side. Hmmmm. A job that allows me to change my hours every week to rotate around my husband's ever changing shifts and take off whenever one of my daughter's have the sniffles. Aha! Retail! I got a job at a craft store because my mother-in-law wanted my discount. I kept the job because who else is going to let me work only mornings one week, only evenings the next week and oh, I need certain weekends off so my husband can play soldier.
I actually enjoy my job. My coworkers are adults who managed to leave the back-biting of high school behind. The customers are usually kind people who are happy with you just getting them bagged and out of the store. The management is aware that their job is to let us know when we need to change what we are doing or keep up the good job. I like working with adults. It is nice. I am tired of working with 40 year old teenagers.
My entire world outside of work consists of two people: my daughters. My husband is in there too but let's face it, I am a mom first. Gwen is a 3 year old princess who loves books and her teddy bears. Heidi is a 1 and a half year old princess who loves anything that is loud enough to wake the dead. I don't mind the noise. I know where she is in the house if I can hear her.
We have a roommate too. He trades babysitting and odd jobs around the house in exchange for a warm room at night. He is a good guy that just never seems to catch a break. I mean it. If money started to fall from the sky, he would be stuck inside a broken elevator until every penny was claimed.
We also have two cats. Magic is a black kitty that has the weakest meow on the planet. Callie is a huntress who managed to catch a humming bird last summer. I would love a bird feeder outside to watch the pretty songbirds in the neighborhood but that would be like laying out corn all year long in your favorite hunting spot. It would just be wrong.

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